Fiesta 24-Ounce Gusto Bowl in Lemongrass

Fiesta 24-Ounce Gusto Bowl, LemongrassFiesta 24-ounce gusto bowl manufactured by the Homer Laughlin China company. The Gusto Bowl is a 28 oz extra large bowl for stews, hardy soups, cereal, chili, spaghetti, and anything else you want to eat large amount of in a bowl. Use this bowl and eat with gusto! Everyone loves these bowls for different foods. I though that 28 ounces would be too large, but it is actually perfect, with ample room for my chili or cereal ingredients and sufficient room to mix them together.Someone I know loves it for oatmeal that they heat in the microwave since they know it won’t spill over.

You can also use this as a small fruit bowl or for side dishes like potato salad or slaw. I use them to mix small amounts of ingredients or warm things for recipes; they make attractive bowls to serve nuts or party munchies.

It is smooth at the bottom but has concentric rings at the top of the bowl for accent. Listed as 24 oz in some catalogs and 28 oz in others, this bowl has a holding capacity of 28 oz. They stack on top of each other but do not nest inside each other so if cabinet space is an issue plan on stacking them. The color is great and will add great accents to your kitchen if you want to leave them out to be seen. Easy to wash out or safe in the dishwaster. Listed at about $17 at most department stores, however we have seen discounts such as a Kohl’s sale that was buy one for $17 and get the next one half off.
