FIESTA® Tom and Jerry Mugs

Tom and Jerry Mug

Tom and Jerry Mug

Tom and Jerry mugs were named after the whiskey based drink that is served hot with the addition of eggs and sugar. Absent are the usual band of rings that Fiesta is usually known for. The original Tom and Jerry set also include a footed salad bowl which served as a punch bowl. You often find a mug in white with the words “Tom and Jerry” in gold on the side.

Production dates where 1936 through 1969. When marked the bottom of the mugs have the “Guine Fiesta” stamp. Thickness varies between mugs. Red mugs were produced until 1944 and were produced again starting 1959.

The mugs were produced in several colors and are not hard to find, except in medium green. Medium green is farily hard to find and usually brings about twice the price of other colors.

Currently there are some great deals on these mugs. There is actually a medium green listed and is only $ 9 as of this listing!!!
