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FIESTA® Tom and Jerry Mugs

Tom and Jerry mugs were named after the whiskey based drink that is served hot with the addition of eggs and sugar. Absent are the usual band of rings that Fiesta is usually known for. The original Tom and Jerry set also include a footed salad bowl which served as a punch bowl. You often […]


Fiesta Vintage Teapots

Can you tell the difference between a medium and a large vintage Fiesta teapot? First of all, the medium teapots were produced for 32 years and the large teapots were produced for 11 years, making it more likely that you will find a medium size teapot instead of a large. The medium pot was produced […]


Where Can I Buy Sets of Fiesta®?

We had a question from a website visitor we wanted to answer. Elizabeth R asked: “Can anyone tell me where I can find Fiesta® place settings at discount prices? I know that Dillards used to and may still. I looked up on the internet but the prices are more than I care to pay for. […]


Fiesta® Salt and Pepper Shaker Trivia

Fiesta Trivia Question: How many holes do the pepper shakers have? If you said 7, you would be right. If you said 6, you would also be right, it was a trick question. The pepper shaker had 7 holes until 1967, then they were changed to 6. The vintage art deco ones shown have 6 […]

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